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Friday, March 25, 2011
Mum's Birthday! ; 9:11 PM

After almost an entire week at boarding school, I finally applied for early leave --- to celebrate my mum's birthday!!! Woots spent the night yesterday during study time to make a card for my dear mum. She liked it as hell !!! :D
Boarding's fun and all, with free time to play pool, table tennis, use com, do work, eat, walk around, and just slack on the couch and watch TV (and consequently becoming a fatass). Its cool being able to do all my stuff and organize my day without depending on others, and even better is the realisation that I can do all these myself. Met new friends, learnt new games and experience the new way of living alone. Good roommate *Clap!*

Okay that concludes today, go sleep soon. :D

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Gym Success !!! ; 7:26 PM

Oh yeah in the span of two days, namely yesterday and today, I put in effort and managed to learn four new skills!!! (backtuck on crash mat/trampoline, front tuck+half turn, backtuck dismount from high bar and back handspring in the sponge pit!!!)

YAY !!! :D

Cheers for me xP

But I admit, the training of this week, although very tough, tiring and strenuous, it really helped build my body and familiarise me with the backward tucks and body movements. I am really inspired to do more and try out more. My bravery/courage levels skyrocketed! Good for me! Well, anticipating learning new moves tomorrow from the vault into the pit (a new arrangement we took an hour to set up) probably the Sukahara and a Handspring followed by a front tuck. I suck in gym currently but I'll keep working hard to join next year's inter-school competitions. Jia You for all !!! Gotta start on my holiday homework + study for upcoming tests new week + pack for boarding in the Next Term. SO EXCITED !!! :D

Monday, March 7, 2011
Bad day, full of fatigue ; 9:03 PM

NB Today sianz like shixxor. Whole day headache like every other Monday, still force myself not to sleep during class, miraculously pulled through 3 science classes, English, Chinese and maths class. I applaud myself. Jialat I bad mood in the end decided to pon CCA, guessing Wednesday need to do extra PT liao. Good luck to my good friend Jazlee for his Piano Exam tmr, hopefully he can advance to Grade 8 without any hassle. Kk been dragging my Geog essay for 4 days lerh really need to complete it today! TMR PHILO TEST?? DIE !

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Finally Back! (After 1.5 years) ; 9:34 PM

Finally feel like posting again and also finally got back my password! Chionging essay today so not much time to write. Bye ~

Friday, August 21, 2009
Good day ; 8:42 PM

Sch Updates:

Wa Shiok sia!!!
Today mousehunt logs not bad,
somemore todae Maverick treated me to upsized Filet'o'Fish meal!!!
Oso, it was raining damn hard,
perfect conditions for... for... shuangness.
RE Presentation todae oso.
Poor Jin Jie din finish his part cos no time,
Ben nvr help JJ although JJ did.
忘恩负义. That's how I describe him.
But he rest of the group was nice,
I made Wei Bin embarrassed,
though I only meant to cut short the Q&A timing,
because I knew the question he asked would be long.
I don't mean to.
I juz wanted to cut short time and relief stress.
I was too tensed when I presented.

Home Updates:
Kor came home late again.
I decided not to quit MouseHunt.
I think thats all.


Thursday, August 6, 2009
Prefect Nomination Interview ; 8:50 PM

School updates:
Wah siao!
Today the interview flunked sia.
Mr Teo very strict and scary.
I am uncertain of my future,
as a prefect or a normal student.
Mr Teo stares at me,
but I know that he was trying to calm me down,
by putting in a few jokes and laughing.
Amazed at how different I thought of him as.
Last time, when I first saw him,
he was very fierce.
First impression? - Avoid this teacher.
But now that I know he was the prefect master,
I thought more.
But it turned out all unexpected.
He smiled at me!
However, I dun think my interview would be successful,
cos he did not probe further other than questions like,
"How inportant do you think Respect is to a prefect?"
"What do you think is the role of the prefect?"
and "Are you confident you can serve the school?"
Even worse, I recited the Rafflesion Principal of Honour wrongly!
I pronounced "intellectual" as "intellectuallual!?!"
Ryan laughed at me, or who I thought as him.

Home and other updates:
And anw, regarding the primary school meet-up tmr,
I got CCA, so no choice.
And tmr I getting bak mai phone from my bro!
Finally can play songs and games!
But that inappreciative brat completely "daoed" me.
He din say thank you. He even dared to put "Tmr onwards I no phone liao".
I am so angry at his indifference and ungratefulness.
When I lend him the phone for 2 months, he so happy.
But now? Like I own him liddat. Blames me for everything.
But as a prefect nominee, I try to make this matter rest.
Appease him if i can.

Current day updates:
Nothing much other than the interview.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
CCTs coming up... ; 8:05 PM

Ok, because test are coming up,
I cannot blog regularly,
although I have never been.
I dun think my friends can either.

CCTs like History and Geog just passed.
We also finished our Poem Commentary test,
all in this week.
Next week-Chinese CCT.
And ERP Novel.
Then the week after,
we have Math CCT.
After that Teacher will chiong EOY.
Revise here and revise there.

History CCT was ok.
Mr Shahrom said, "I expected more from you."
High Praise!!!
GPA this time for PR2 was relatively better.
At least better than PR1.
And poem was ok to comprehend.
That's great.
Geog was do-able too.

Uber sadness.
Cannot play CABAL anymore.
No longer have free time liao.
Somemore I was one of the first 200 players.
Anw, thats good too.
Mmore time for studying and no more external distractions,
other than Facebook. ;P

This would be the longest post I have.
BTW just copied the link from Shi Hwa's blog and renamed the button,
"Click here for ULTIMATE FUN".
Or was it?!?

Facebook Updates:
-Restaurant City updates:
. Short of Cash.
-Mousehunt Updates:
.Y legendary so slow?
-Ghost Trappers
.Still Mantaining highest in class.
-Mafia Wars
.You shld noe well. Muahahaha...
-FFS updates:
.Buy me plz!!!
-Fish Wrangler updates:
.Catching up with unseasoned wranglers in class.
-Attitude updates:
.Desperately trying to change the bad impression etched in friends' minds.

School Updates:
-Prefects, "all eyes are on you now. So whatever you do from now on, even if you do not tuck in your shirt properly, everyone would be looking. There will be many external gossips and people would be out there to challenge you," Mr Teo Chai Yao.

End of post.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
RE: Sadded ; 8:37 PM

Today damn sadded.
Got two ERP tests (and I forgot to bring my cashcard...), somemore I suck at chinese

Sad things
Also, I feel damn sad.
When I bought my new MP3,
everything was fine,
I was happy and so was everyone.
But then, on Wednesday 3 days later,
one of the buttons spoilt.
The bloody ppl say must go replace,
at their office.
So far I dun wan, and I haven told mai mum.

Happy things
Now, for happy things.
Today I, Daniel and Qie Hua went to SCGS!
We went there to interview the principal,
but in the end we saw - tonnes of girls!!!
I told Daniel it would be our happy day...
So sad Jin Jie not there to enjoy wif us.

Anyways, its gettng late now and
all I can think of now is Sean Tsi
(dun get the wrong idea, just scroll down...)

he said that CABAL is lame!
And byes~ XD

Saturday, June 27, 2009
MP3 pwnage!! ; 5:36 PM

Yeah! Finally gt an MP3!!! Ownage!!! So compact somemore! Woots, 2GB can store whoooole lots of song!!! JAp, English and Korean! (Chinese some only). Yeah! Bye go listen songs liao... Yeah!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Relive 2nd ; 8:29 PM

Yeah! 1 month+ nvr post! So, nth much to post still, but just revealing plans to redecorate my bloggy? Add pls anyone that i noe pls add me on facebook if you know me too. XD thnx!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wah! Siao! NADFA and LJDay not bad! ; 7:31 PM

Here are the grades for NADFA. Mine sucks...
Sit-ups = 46 (nth much)
Inclined pull ups = 42 (nth to say)
Standing broad jump = 182 (sucks)
Sit and reach = 34 (sucks)
Shuttle Run = 10.5 (ok)
2.4 km run/walk = 11:12 min (gt owned by Kai Yi)

Then, today learning journey they showed us abt Indian gods, Chinese beliefs, literature and stuff. The kangxi things not bad, juz that the Indian things a bit hard to belief. Their displayed "monuments" or "artifacts" were all so fake. You could see the painting, which is so cheapskate. Dun belief the sch actually wasted OUR money to see painted stuff. I'd rather go for art lessons...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sad... ; 9:07 PM

Dun care abt anyth now... Saddened lyk hell, why does God lyk to play his tricks on me? Why must he make life so tough for miie? I am thoroughly hapless and lost in the sea of thoughts. I might not be posting for quite a while, say a week? With my arm fractured, I will try to change my own fate, including my family's! Go, my limp right arm!

Sunday, May 3, 2009
X-Men and loads of breead! ; 6:55 PM

Yeah! Today gt X-Men on TV! Sry, I wanna watch, so I not really posting today! Anw, sry guys for not posting yesterday! Bye! Oh yah! Today we bought 36 pieces of bread! Woots!

Friday, May 1, 2009
Homework all almost done! ; 7:09 PM

Hi guys! Today I had a delicious breakfast of bread! So scrumptious! Plain Bread rox! So filling somemore, but then my dinner was a nicer one. My mum cooked rice with sausages, potatoes and carrot! The gravy added on to the meal was nice! You rock, Mum! Anw, Today I feel so relaxed! I tynk its becos I noe that I am finishing all my project! Woots!

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Continuing... ; 10:14 PM

Wow! So lame today, even worse than yseterday. So damn boring! Somemore I had to chiong do com. studies project after sch, otherwise tio penalty of 10% deduction of marks. So cheat rite? Liddat alr - 10% one day, 20% two and above, 50% five, 100% six and above. Wa lau, I scared till I did shit for the project. Haiz... Now I get uber low marks, but at least nvr penalise. But the best part of today was that my whole class had a free period of reading in the library for second Eng lesson today!

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