Favourite songs... ; 5:02 PM
Muttons in the midnight... ; 4:20 PM
Todae' is Mutton's rite? Ermmm... Ok.(Anw, go my bro's blog to see some jokes about MapleStory that his friend, Tan Yu Xuan(he's a boy), cracked.
Apologize, Valentines Day.
Mutton, what happened to you?!
Eh! Pain ah, eh!
What happened?
Eh! Kena hammer!
I tell you
February 14th gonna spend that day alone
Eh, but I thought you got girlfriend?
Didn't buy her gift so she broke my collar bone
She tell me that I'm stingy
Then she go and cut my arm... away...
I tell her that I'm sorry but then she kicked me to the ground and say~~
It's too late
to go and buy
It's too late~~
Aiyah tell her shop all closed lah?
It's too late, no valentines
I'm bogay
Aiya mutton, you very poor thing la.
How the hell do I do I talk to you now I no teeth la
Ya! I tell you why ah
She punch me in the mouth now I got no front tooth
Wah like Bugs Bunny liddat ah
I look like Mickey Mouse cos my ears are like balloons
Eh the kids take photo with you la!
She hauled me down cover my face now it's turning bluuuueeee
And she say
You should've bought me flowers, should've bought me diamonds too~
Now you're dead~~
It's too late to go and buy
It's too late~~
Go 7-11 buy orange juice la!
It's too late, no valentines
I'm bogay
Thomson got prata 24 hours!
It's too late to go and buy
It's too late, no valentines
while I'm dead
Come Mutton, you and I, we go zoo la.
Meaning of You're Beautiful.
My life is brilliant
(That means he sang at the wrong time because it's not time for him to sing yet now he has to sing that line all over again. Waste time.)
My life is brillaint
(I'm very smart)
My love is pure
(I never do that one before)
I saw an angel
(My house is haunted)
Of that I'm sure
(I'm very sure)
She smiled at me on the subway
(There's someone stalking me on the MRT)
She was with another man
(She's a cheekopek)
I won't lose some sleep on that, cos I've got a plan
(My mattress very comfortable)
You're beautiful
(You're very pretty)
You're beautiful
(You're very pretty)
You're beautiful, it's true
(I not bluffing)
I saw your face
In a crowded place
(You're also quite fat cos so many people I still can see you)
And I don't know what to do
(Because I had no food)
Cos I'll never be with you
(I'm scared you'll eat me)
Meaning of The Reason.
I'm not a perfect person
(I'm balding, I've got squinted eyes, six fingers, and my toe crooked)
There's many things I wished I didn't do
(I wished I didn't go to Prima Deli and eat)
But I continue learning
(I stay back 5 years PSLE)
I never meant to do those things to you
(I wish I didn't take you to Prima Deli to eat)
And so I have to say before I go
(My mother calling ask me go home)
That I just want you to know
(*giggles* Listen ah.)
I've found a reason for me
(Cos I don't like rice and kway teow anymore)
To change who I used to be
(I'm going for a sex change operation)
A reason to start over new
(I like Fiona Xie)
And the reason is you
(I think I'm like that because I ate at Prima Deli)
Ok. Today I'm goin' to tok about my blog's origin. I actually thought of the name after goin to the first day of the NUS Maths and Science camp. There was a topic about the compo "I am curious about..." at the camp, so apparently I thought of the issue my brother juz mentioned to me 2 days ago-The mysterious black hole! I plainly took the 2nd and 3rd words(Mysterious Black) and altered it into "Black-mystic".
This is a summary of a black hole: A
black hole is a region of space in which the
gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, not even
light, can escape its pull after having fallen past its
event horizon.
Two important surfaces around a rotating black hole. The inner sphere is the static limit (the event horizon). It is the inner boundary of a region called the ergosphere. The oval-shaped surface, touching the event horizon at the poles, is the outer boundary of the ergosphere. Within the ergosphere a particle is forced (dragging of space and time) to rotate and may gain energy at the cost of the rotational energy of the black hole (Penrose process).

Anws, I have a few pics adapted from Wikipedia about black holes...
Firstly, I have a pics showing how a
Black Hole looks like...

Simulated view of a black hole in front of the Milky Way. The hole has 10 solar masses and is viewed from a distance of 600 km.)
Pls see it as a 3D pic.Next is a pictures that depicts a galaxy passing in front of a
Black Hole, and the gravity from the
Black Hole is exerted at such a great amount that even the light that is travelling into our eyes from the galaxy is bent by the
Black Hole. Enjoy...(
Pls see it as a 3D pic too.)

Gravitational lensing of a black hole caused from going by a galaxy in the background.)
Next is a picture of a
Black Hole "sucking" light from a star.

The jet originating from the center of M87 in this image comes from an active galactic nucleus that may contain a
supermassive black hole. Credit: Hubble Space Telescope/NASA/ESA.)
Enuf of black hole tok.
New blog nia... *haiz...* CBox not working sia... Nvr mind, bro working on it tmr... When got time. Anw, I tynk blog so cool now. ^^ XD.
Ok. I juz taiko and go tag once on my CBox and guess what? It worked!!!!!!!!!!! Thnx god!!!
New blog just transferred... ; 3:52 PM
Haiz... forgot my previous blogger acc, so now nid to create another one... OMG!!!